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A letter from our Pastor

I would personally like to thank you for visiting Green Lake Calvary Church’s website!  We consider it a great honor and responsibility to minister to those God brings our way. 


Do you ever feel like you’re going through life alone?  Do you want a place to belong?  Come to GLCC to…

  • Find encouragement when you’re worn out.

  • Receive healing when you’re broken.

  • Get help when you feel defeated.

  • Find real connection, community, and friendship.


The church is God’s way of connecting us, not only to Him, but to one another.  At GLCC, we support one another through whatever life brings. We love and accept people today as God loves and accepts us, sharing God’s amazing grace. 


Our desire is to “Know the Grace of Jesus, and Show the Grace of Jesus.”  Our ministry purpose could be summarized in Christ’s purpose statement for us- to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20).  To that end, we seek to help everyone become rooted and growing in Christ.  We proclaim salvation through Jesus Christ and desire to lead people to a deep and lasting relationship with God and with each other. 


As a ministry, we focus on these core concepts as we represent Christ in our communities. What a great privilege we have, to join God in this corner of His work.


As you explore our website, I pray you will gain a better understanding of who we are as a church family, a greater understanding of what God is doing in your life, and direction as to whether God would have you come and grow with our family.  Come be with people who can relate and who care, because hope and grace are here!  Join us this Sunday!



Christ’s Servant and Yours,


Mark Smith

Senior Pastor

Our current series

Good News The Book of Romans series.png

Good News!

Bad news is as common as the water we drink. It’s everywhere and can be all consuming and
depressing if we don’t find some hope. Yet, in the midst of our oppressing world, God has provided
some Great News! We can be free! Free from the fear of death, free from the slavery to sin, free from
loneliness and hopelessness, and free to give ourselves to the loving service of God and others. This is
the Gospel, which means Good News! Paul, the apostle of Christ, experienced this freedom in a powerful and lifechanging way and wanted to share the Good News with everyone he met, and even those he had never met. The book of Romans is Paul’s theological explanation of what this freedom is and how we can experience the joy of God’s amazing grace as part of our lives. The author had never met the recipients, but he loved them and wanted to provide them the hope he found. Although we have not had the opportunity to meet the Apostle Paul, for the next few months we will discover the hope of the Good News God shares through him here in the bad news days of the 21 st century.

A Tale of Two Kings Part 2 - March 23, 2025

A Tale of Two Kings Part 2 - March 23, 2025

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Contact Us

Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday // 9 am - 4 pm

608 145th Ave, Caledonia, MI 49316, USA

(616) 891-8764

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